
Property Market in Mersin, Turkey

Property Market in Mersin, Turkey

What Is So Attractive About Real Estate in Mersin And What Does It Offer Its Investors?

Each Turkish city is beautiful in its own way and has a number of advantages for both locals and foreigners. Until recently, the leaders – the "favorite" ones among foreign citizens were Antalya and Alanya. But even in such a large country as Turkey, the place can “run out” - a huge flow of everyone who wants to live and relax in the country must rush somewhere else. To date, the city of Mersin has become the leader in terms of real estate sales to foreign citizens. What is so attractive about it and how are things going with the real estate in Mersin?


Owning real estate in Mersin today is as high-profile and profitable as in Alanya or Antalya. Mersin is a big city with a developed infrastructure, beautiful equipped beaches and embankments.

The city is divided into four districts: Yenisehir, Akdeniz, Toroslar and Mezitli. The Toroslar region is located near the Taurus Mountains of the same name (tur. "Toros"), while the remaining three regions are located near the sea. Mezitli is one of the best areas of the city. All the advantages that are so important for the most comfortable living are concentrated here. Due to the fact that this area is calm and quiet, it is preferred by families. Most of the private schools and offices are concentrated in Mezitli. The local population lives mainly in Akdeniz and Yenisehir.


Being an industrial center, Mersin has recently begun to attract the attention of foreign citizens. Housing in this city is designed mainly for local residents, but developers have already begun to construct new buildings that are fully designed for the needs of foreigners.


According to the estimates of many real estate companies, in the coming years, Mersin will become one of the most sought-after cities in Turkey in terms of budget housing. The city has a lot of free land on which high-rise construction is allowed. At the moment, the coastal zone is already actively populated by foreigners, and the city districts are attracting more and more new buyers with active construction.

Another reason why foreigners started investing in real estate in Mersin so actively is the long coastline with the most clean and beautiful beaches. This makes it possible to buy, build and rent housing to tourists for almost every taste and cost. Many of the foreign citizens are already actively buying apartments and houses in order not to overpay for expensive hotel rooms. The main advantage of such an acquisition is the ability to fully recoup the property within a few years through resale or rental.


As for the purchase of commercial real estate in Mersin, the cost of such areas here is still several times cheaper than in other resort areas of the country.


Mersin is mainly represented by budget-friendly real estate, but due to the growing demand among foreigners, the city is building the most diverse housing in terms of comfort. There are villas, and apartments, townhouses and penthouses, designed for a wide variety of budgets. The districts of Mersin are presented according to different selection criteria:


Erdemli. The area is rapidly being built up with residential complexes. There are many cafes and restaurants for every taste, many children's playgrounds, shops and gyms. Foreign buyers have chosen this area, especially the villages of Tomuk, Cesmeli and Arpacbahsis


Tomuk is one of the quietest districts. If you like being away from the hustle and bustle of the city, then you should consider buying a home here. Buildings are mainly from 2005-2010, and new residential complexes are located quite far from the sea. The main advantage of this area is its ecology. There is a huge amount of greenery here, and eucalyptus trees grow along the sea line.


Tece. This is another ecologically clean and green area. There are many citrus and eucalyptus plantations. Tece is located closest to the center of Mersin. Here, as in the whole city, the transport infrastructure is well developed, there are many medical and educational institutions.


Mezitli is the business center of Mersin. A large number of offices and business centers are intertwined here. Almost the entire coastline has been bought out, so there are no beachfront listings.


Toroslar is the largest district of the city, far from the sea. It’s distinctive feature is the highway, which connects all the cities of the country.


Akdeniz is the industrial area. Manufacturing companies with their warehouses and factories, hospitals, kindergartens, schools and even Mertim, the tallest building in Mersin, are here. In this area, everything is developing at the speed of light.


Yenisehir is the closest to the sea. It's quiet and calm here. For even more comfortable living, a university and a large shopping center were built here.


The province of Mersin has excellent conditions for investing in real estate in Turkey. Situated on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, Mersin has several unique features.


The coastline of Mersin is one of the longest. These are stunning places for walking and relaxing, and houses are located by the sea. Such real estate is the most liquid asset with the expectation of future benefits from resale or rental. So, having invested in the purchase of a couple of apartments or houses, the investor guarantees himself a stable income for life, given that the rental price of apartments is from 1,700 to 3,000 Turkish liras on average.


The second unique and very important factor for investors is the presence of an international seaport in the city. It has the most beneficial effect on the economy of the city and the region as a whole, providing great opportunities for business.


Installment payment: buy a home and invest your money on favorable terms. This applies to almost all types of real estate in Mersin - from luxury apartments to secondary housing.


Another reason to invest is that Mersin has the cheapest real estate by the sea. Well, if this is the first coastline, then the assets invested in such real estate will only grow in value over the years.


Elite apartments are presented here for every “taste”. Such complexes are usually rented out with the opportunity to visit gyms, spas and much more. You can housing with round the clock surveillance.


Comparing Mersin with other resort cities in Turkey and Europe, it is worth saying that the prices for apartments, houses and villas are much lower here. It is also worth noting that the quality of the houses being built, the decoration and interiors of residential premises are practically in no way inferior to their European counterparts, and often even surpass them.


Purchase of housing is also a way to obtain a residence permit or citizenship of Turkey. In accordance with the latest changes in legislation, when buying real estate with a cadastral value of more than 75,000 US dollars, you can get a residence permit based on ownership of property (with subsequent right to obtain citizenship), and real estate with a cadastral value of more than 400,000 US dollars gives you the right to immediately become the owner of a Turkish passport.


In addition, the construction of international airport will be completed and put into operation by October 2022, which makes it much easier to reach Mersin without going through Adana.


Back in the summer of 2021, Mersin became one of the leaders in real estate sales to foreign citizens and ranked fourth in the country. At the same time, the average cost per square meter of housing in Mersin was lower than in Antalya ($500 per square meter) and amounted to $300 per square meter at the beginning of 2022.


Apartments from the developer 1 + 1 and 2 + 1 on the first and second coastlines can now be purchased from $30,000 to $140,000. The farther the housing is from the sea, the lower its cost.


If you are planning to buy real estate in Mersin with a larger layout, then such housing will cost you today from $60,000. Penthouses and duplexes start from $120,000, and by purchasing apartments at an early stage of development, you can save from 20% to 30% of the finished housing cost.


The trend of the current year suggests that most of the apartments here are purchased not for rent, but for comfortable living during the tourist season and for permanent residence of the whole family.

Mersin is today practically the last resort town with low property prices in Turkey. So far, the city offers prices two or even three times cheaper than in Antalya: now in Mersin with a budget of $ 100,000 you can buy luxury apartments 3 + 1 or 4 + 1, while in Antalya and Alanya such offers for this amount have long been not of current interest.


Mersin has a large foreign community, which is an important factor for the buyers coming from abroad. The city is very calm even in the peak season, without fuss and noise. For those who came to live permanently from abroad, there are international schools and medical facilities.


Real estate in Mersin is the key to a prosperous future and well-invested capital. Visit this wonderful city and provide yourself and your loved ones with comfort and safety in your home in Turkey!

Lütfen Bekleyin..