
Places to Be and Places to See in Alanya

Places to Be and Places to See in Alanya

The Famous Beaches, Diverse Nature and Rich Historic Inheritance is an Open Invitation of Alanya For Anyone With a Heart For Passion!

Alanya has become one of the most important centers of attraction and home to several thousands of expats, tourists and visitors who not only visited by started life by acquiring a property or real estate in Alanya for the better. The city’s immensely popular beaches, diverse nature and rich historic inheritance is an open invitation for anyone with a heart for passion. The number of foreign residents of the city is increasing each day thanks to the high quality of service provided by the Alanya real estate business actors. We have listed a number of places to visit in Alanya ranging from the Ancient City of Iotape, the Dim River, the Cleopatra Beach and more. Let’s take a closer look at the top places to visit in Alanya!

Alanya Castle (Castle of Alaiye)

The castle is the uncontested symbol of Alanya which was built in the 13th Century by the decree of Alaaddin Keykubat. The castle can be dated back to the Hellenistic Era but the castle that exists now is a typical example of the Sejukian Era. The castle consists of walls that stretch 6.5 km. long and the structure rests on the peninsula which is 250 meters high above sea level.

The ancient city which now is called Alanya was established in the 2nd Century by pirates and was called Coracesion. Romans tried to capture the castle in order to end the pirates' activity in the Mediterranian. The Seljuk attacks in 1218 the castle became part of the Seljukian Dynasty. The castle soon became part of the Mamluk Empire and finally became part of the Ottoman Empire under the rule of Suleiman the Magnificient.

The castle region of Alanya houses the most valuable historic real estate in Alanya due to the rich history of the castle. Ongoing studies and excavations related to the castle suggest the castle might have been used as a royal palace. During the construction of the castle, materials which is dated to the Hellenistic age were used. The castle possesses a certain type of beauty with crenels, lookout windows, holes that were used to pour boiling water and tar at the enemy. The Shipyard of Alanya which introduced the Seljuks to the Mediterranean scene for the first time in history is also still standing reinforcing the enormity of the Castle of Alanya. The shipyard is 57 meters long and has 40 meters of depth. The Sultan’s crest is still standing and visible at the entrance of the shipyard. There is a door covered with badges and a room at the right side of this door. For some this room on the right is a prayer room and for others, it is used as mere storage. Nevertheless, one thing is clear: You will be amazed by the scenery and the unique landscape you will never be able to experience anywhere else in Alanya unless the Alanya real estate companies provide a better property with a better view. The Castle and the Shipyard of Alanya can be visited using public transportation with ease. The area is surrounded by restaurants and other points of interest combining amazing views with Turkish cuisine.

Cleopatra Beach

The famous beach is right across the Damlatas Cave and because its’ sand is so refined it gives the impression of a pool surrounded by rocks. The legend has it that Mark Anthony gave Alanya to the Egyptian queen Cleopatra as a wedding gift and Cleopatra loved swimming at the bay which then is named after her. The beach also has crystal clear water where you can easily observe sea life from above.

The shallow depths of the sea and the golden sands are the definitive features of the coastline. The beachline and the clear sea also allow watersports to be held here. Riding with boats and reaching the platform in the middle of the sea is among popular options as diving from the platforms is more convenient. Although everything has an end the beach has nothing short of beauty when it comes downs to endings. Watching the blushing colors of the sunset on the beach is a must as well.

Dim River

Dim is a river running through the village called Akçatı and it is 7 km. from the center of Alanya. Dim carries the cold and clean water of the Taurus mountains and it 60 km. long. There are plenty of alternative ways to get to Dim. If you want to get to Dim with a private car you can always use the coastal high-way. If you favor public transport you can get on any of the buses from the center of Alanya en route to Dim. For visitors from Istanbul, the Bursa>Afyon>Antalya>Alanya route is the best route. People from Ankara should follow the Konya>Seydisehir>Akseki>Kızılagac route. Arriving from Izmir on the other hand requires the Aydın>Denizli>Korkuteli>Antalya route to visit Dim.

Let’s just assume you have reached Dim. Just sit back and enjoy the atmosphere shaped by the cold water of the region. The chilliness of the water can be felt once you arrive without even getting into the river. The Dim River is a suitable address for anyone who is keeping an eye for a cooling getaway. The venue also provides a wide range of options for their visitor such as tea shops, spaces for picnics as well as restaurants serving food from the local cuisine. The source of the river starts from the Dim Dam and literally flows under many restaurants and recreation areas providing the visitors with a cooling sensation.

Red Tower

Among one of the oldest structures of the city, the Red Tower is located in the harbor of Alanya. The symbolic tower was commissioned by Alaaddin Keykubat I in order to protect the harbor and the shipyard from an attack launched from the sea. Today, thanks to the well-preserved inscriptions placed on the tower, we know for certainty by whom the tower was built: Ebu Ali Reha el Kettani. There also is a construction inscription that precisely indicates the erection date of the tower as April 1226 with a text pleading to God. The name of the constructer is indicated on the facade at the right of the entry door. The tower is erected on slightly sloping terrain. As a result, the Eastside of the tower stands 3 meters taller than the Westside at 33 meters and 30 meters respectively. The lower sections of the tower was built using evenly cut limestones. The tower is located in one of the most populated areas of Alanya. However, thanks to the planned and careful expansion of Alanya real estate investments in the area, the old historic fabric was preserved. The shafts of the columns on the other hand were built using gathered materials and the heads from red bricks. The octagonal tower has a total of 56 embrasure, 6 gargoyles and 22 aperture from which boiling tar & water is poured to repel the invaders. The tower has 5 storeys with a simple interior, however, the exterior of the octagonal tower has a rich plan. Alongside with the rich exterior of the structure, there is one unassuming entrance into the tower which after a corridor leads to the ground floor.

Dim Cave

The cave is located 11 kilometers from the Alanya Centrum and it is arguably easy to reach. Dim Cave is on the Westside of the Cebeli Reis Mountain at an altitude of 1691 meters. The stalactites & stalagmites and the pond within the cave offer a visual show. There are 2 halls within the cave. The right section has a 50 meters long hall and the left section is about 350 meters. The cave has an almost constant temperature around 18-19ºC. The Interior section of the cave consists of several observation platforms. The view of the valley that River Dim rests on and the panoramic view of the Castle of Alanya from within the cave are worthy sights. The surroundings of the cave have a spectacular view similar to the cave’s interior and currently, the cave is being managed by a private company and it is open for a visit on every day of the week.

Archeological Museum 

The Archeological Museum of Alanya is located close to the Damlatas Cave, the cable car and the Cleopatra Beach at the historic center of Alanya. The museum is the respective institution you can visit and see the well preserved historic remnants excavated or found in the region. Surrounded with the modern classic examples of local Alanya real estate marvels, the museum is also has a noteworthy building in itself. Artifacts exhibited in the museum are from the Neolithic Era, Hellenistic Era, Roman Era mostly acqiıred from the ancient cities such as Antiochia, Syedra and Ad Cragnum. The most significant of all the artifacts exhibited in the museum is of course the bronze statue of Heracles. In addition to the artifacts exhibited indoors, many more artifacts are being exhibited outdoors as well. At first, the sarcophagi draws attention. After viewing sarcophagi adorned with festoons and heads of Medusa, the tools used in ancient times for producing olive oil can be seen. Subsequently, the adorned friezes on one side and the small sarcophagi called ostoteks can be observed. The ostoteks exhibited within the museum were made from limestone abundant in the region. The ostoteks are slide shut after the ashes of cremated people were put into them. Thereby the essential respect is shown to the dead. After entering the closed section of the museum, inscriptions and face-stings found in the churches within the region draw attention. Although unknown to which church it belongs to, the colorful face-string depicting St. George slaying a dragon on a horse is the most remarkable of them all. After viewing the invaluable coins that are in the museum, you can head to other places in Alanya, and if you genuinely liked the experience you can acquire real estate in Alanya to live longer in this city.

Ancient City of Iotape

Located on the 33rd kilometer of the Alanya-Gazipasa route, the city of Iotepe is named after the wife of the Antiochos IV (38-72 AC), the Emperor of Commagene. From Emperor Trajan to Emperor Valerian, the city minted their exclusive coin. The ruins of Iotepe carry Byzantium and Roman overtones. A tall cape that stretches onto the sea is the acropolis of the city. This section is covered with walls and possesses the appearance of an acropolis. Unsurprisingly, the structures are rather damaged. The avenue in the harbor where one of the most valuable sights which stretch from East to West is located in the small valley where the acropolis connects to the land. A big part of the harbor avenue is buried under the highway that passes here.

In the bay at the East of the acropolis, a basilica with a rectangular plan and a small church can be seen with a single quire which is attributed to Hagios Georgios Statelates due to an inscribed fresco. The remnants of a hamam can be found in the same location which has similarities to other hamam ruins found in the region. The sanitation infrastructure that belongs to the hamam is still visible. There is a temple that is attributed to Trajan due to an inscription found in the hereabouts of the temple. This temple unfortunately only survived at the basement level. The ruins which are at the North of the modern highway mostly consist of graves whihc are in the Necropolis section of the city. There are typical graveyards as well as cenotaphs within the section. These remnants provide authentic representations of the burial customs and styles.

Suleymaniye Mosque 

The historic mosque also known as Sultan Alaaddin Mosque was built during the reign of Alaaddin Keykubat, during the reorganization of Alanya in 1231. The mosque is located on the top of the Alanya Castle. The mosque came down in the following years but was rebuilt in the 16th Century during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. The single minaret mosque is called as Alaaddin, Kale or Suleymaniye Mosque. The structure is built from the rubbles of the surrounding structures and has a square plan. The mosque has an octagonal frame and the dome is made out of bricks. In order to sustain the acoustic 15 small pots are inserted into the dome structure. The effect of which is best observed during worshipping. The mosque represents a fine example of Ottoman Era wooden engraving. The mosque which is very close to the Alanya Castle can be reached by bus and car.

Cable Car

Now a symbol and a common sight of Alanya, the cable car has 900 meters long route. The cable car route stretches between the Cleopatra Beach hovering over Damlatas and climbs up the Alanya Castle. The cabins of the cable car is for maximum 8 people and there are 14 cabins reducing waiting times for a ride. The destination is set on such a rich route that with one simple ticket anyone can dive into the scenery of both the city landscape and the historic sights of the old town. The cable car is at Damlatas and is always swarmed by people, some are new visitors and some are now permanent residents who acquired a real estate in Alanya to live in.


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