
Effective Ways To You Obtain Turkish Citizenship And Benefit From It Today

Effective Ways To You Obtain Turkish Citizenship And Benefit From It Today

How Life Would Look Like If You Could Live in One Of The Best Countries To Obtain Citizenship

How would life look like if you could live in one of the best countries to obtain Citizenship, we are talking about a country with a rich history and unbeatable cuisine, some people get excited about food and gets extra pounds which is totally understandable. Last but not least stunning cities to embark you into a comfortable, pleasant, and safe living. Turkey has been an exceptional attraction for thousands of foreigners who obtained their Turkish Citizenship in diverse ways.


Everyone can have the exclusive opportunity to become a Citizen of Turkey not only by investing in real estate but from different sources more on that later because our intuit is to provide and commence you into a short and informative reading if you do not like reading, this blog post was not created for you, for those who are interested in it, read on.

Citizenship Is It Advantageous Nowadays?

Have you ever come across to be a citizen of a foreign country? I did, yourself? No matter where you are now, life has ups and down, and we got to be ready for the coming events. You realize that being a citizen of another country will benefit you for the unknown future and provide more opportunities to study, work and live without concerns. The freedom to live in a new country has always been a dream come true because it gives a second chance to those who need it, which might be a challenge at the beginning or an investment future opportunity for others. Which side are you on?


P.S: The whole process of obtaining citizenship allows you to get a Turkish passport with access to 110 countries, İD, a driver's license, social security, the right to vote, and work as any citizen in Turkey. Does it sound good?

Why Should I Consider Turkey?

Because it is indeed one of the fastest and easiest countries to become a citizen, let’s face it, some documents are required, but the entire path of obtaining your Turkish Citizenship is simple. The country offers two types: the one at birth and the second later acquisition.


Here are the possibilities that Turkey allows in order to the Acquisition of Citizenship:

  • Born in Turkey only his/her parents is a Turkish citizens otherwise you won’t have the right to have citizenship.
  • By investing $400,000 in real estate in any district or city, you will be suitable to apply for Citizenship.
  • Reside in Turkey for at least 5 years without interruption with the readable entry stamp on one of the passport's pages. Also demonstrate a good command of Turkish, good morals, and not being diagnosed with a disease that may constitute a hazard to general health.
  • You can apply if you have been married to a Turkish citizen for three years and are willing to sustain it. If the applicant’s spouse passes away after your application, your citizenship process is denied immediately.
  • Exceptional Citizenship According to Turkish Citizen law are allowed the acquisition of Turkish citizenship only if you don’t have any threat to national security and public order, the decision to grant citizenship is made by the Ministry of the Interior and the Cabinet.


What Are The Main Types Of Investments That Guarantee Turkish Citizenship?

  • You have a proven capital of at least $500,000 by the Ministry of Industry and Technology.
  • Real Estate Investment can be obtained by the purchase of numerous properties that equal the value of $400,000, investors must not sell their units for a minimum of 3 years.
  • Create new employment opportunities for at least 50 people in the country with a business plan and enough capital for investment.
  • Bank deposit of $ 500,000 with the condition they can not withdraw for at least three years by the Turkish Banking Regulation And Supervision Agency.
  • Investment in Real Estate related to tourism by obtaining tourist areas such as hotels, stores, hostels, etc.
  • Turkish Citizenship by investing in Government Bonds for three years.

Documents Required For A Turkish Citizenship By Investment

  • Valid passport, photocopy and translated into Turkish (notarized)
  • Valid Residence permit
  • Birth Certificate
  • Marital Status Certificate/ Document
  • Application form
  • Four biometric photos( updated photos)
  • Certificate of conformity
  • The proof of the investment receipt 
  •  Health report that indicates that the applicant has no infectious diseases

All documents cited must be translated from your language into Turkish and notarized.


Where Should You Invest And Obtain Your Citizenship?

You need a name to trust and rely on because Realtor Global is one of the global brands in the field of Real Estate that provide impeccably and astounding services, consultancy, and the acquisition of your Turkish Citizenship.


Contact us now to learn more; our team will gladly help you.


Address yourself as a Turkish Citizenship today.

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